By Andrew Liszewski
Hallowe’en is just around the corner and if your kids have chosen a Star Wars theme for their costumes this flashlight will fit right in. Made to look like a cute version of Darth Vader, the flashlight has a handle on the back with a button to pop-up his mask and reveal the actual light.
Be warned though, it also plays a series of Star Wars sound effects whenever the flashlight is turned on and there’s no volume controls or other way to turn them off. Kids will probably love it but I’m sure many parents won’t be quite as thrilled after listening to it all evening while out collecting candy.
Surprisingly though with the amount of Star Wars merchandise still on the market the Darth Vader Flashlight appears to be sold out, and no longer available. So once again you collectors will need to hit up eBay or Craigslist to hunt one down. (Or find a parent who’s more than willing to give you theirs.)
[ Darth Vader Flashlight ] VIA [ GeekAlerts ]