db clay Introduces Version 3 Wallets

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db clay Version 3 Wallets (Images courtesy db clay)
By Andrew Liszewski

A while back I wrote a review of the myDuctbills duct tape wallet kit from a company called db clay. While the silver finish of the DIY wallet probably isn’t for everyone’s tastes I also took a look at one of the company’s pre-made designer wallets which look and feel great even though they’re actually made from Gaffer’s tape.

Well today the company has unveiled 12 new designer wallets in their Version 3 line that are now made from a custom designed eco-friendly textile known as ‘Tope.’ The new material not only improves the sleek look and functionality of the wallets but also takes advantage of environmentally friendly manufacturing solutions. That’s not to say the company was functioning in an environmentally unfriendly manner with previous versions of their wallets, it’s just that they’ve now gone out of their way to reduce their ecological footprint. The wallets are a great alternative to leather for similarly minded persons and as far as I’m concerned just look way cooler than anything else currently on the market.

The Version 3 wallets will be available at select retailers around the world but also directly from the db clay website for $48 each.

And to celebrate the launch of the new wallets the company is providing OhGizmo! readers with an exclusive 15% discount when buying from their online store. Just enter the promo code: ohgizmo15 during checkout and you’ll be good to go!

[ db clay Version 3 Wallets ]

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