“De Facto Standard”, The Fragrance Of New Mac Smell

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By David Ponce

It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that a company would create a fragrance meant to emulate the smell of unboxing a brand new Mac. After all, New Car Smell fresheners have been a popular item at gas stations all over for quite some time now. Created by the firm Air Aroma and Greatest Hits (Gavin Bell, Jarrah de Kuijer and Simon McGlinn), the fragrance in question has been dubbed “De Facto Standard”. Here’s how they made it:

The scent created for Greatest Hits encompasses the smell of the plastic wrap covering the box, printed ink on the cardboard, the smell of paper and plastic components within the box and of course the aluminum laptop which has come straight from the factory where it was assembled in China. How exactly do you reverse engineer the smell of an unboxing? In a lab, silly!

First, an unopened MacBook Pro was sent to Air Aroma’s fragrance lab in France for “testing.” Next specialists compared the scent that emitted from the unboxing with various fragrance samples of glue, plastic, rubber and paper. Once Greatest Hits was satisfied with the closest match, the scent was mixed, then bottled up and shipped back to Australia.

It’s not clear whether this scent will go on sale, as its going to be exhibited at Melbourne’s West Space from April 20 to May 12 first. Plans for commercialization have not been announced. The alternative, buying an Apple product, is unfortunately more expensive than the average cologne.

VIA [ DVice ]

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