Sometimes it’s best not to think about some of life’s realities, like what goes in a hot dog or how dirty our phones really are. The sad truth is they’re very, very dirty. Some accounts claim there are 5 times more bacteria on our phones than on our toilet seats! So that’s why products like the Phonesoap Charger, pictured above, are popular among those of us who don’t trust our immune system to do its job. Place your USB device in there to charge, while it gets blasted with UV-C light, which is apparently just the kind of ultraviolet light that kills bacteria most effectively. It’s the same kind of UV light used in hospitals, and if it’s good enough for them, it should do for you. Granted, once clean, there’s no telling how quickly it’ll get dirty again… But let’s worry about one thing at a time.
The Phonesoap normally costs $65, but you can have it for $54 through this deal.