Deal Of The Day: 20% Off On TrackR Tracking Sticker

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


The TrackR sticker is a coin-sized Bluetooth-enabled device that sticks to any item you wish to keep track of. Just stick it on, and when you can’t find it anymore, launch the app on your smartphone and locate it in an instant. It’ll tell you the distance to your object, and at the press of a button, you can toggle an audible alarm on the sticker. It’s actually a two-way relationship, so if you’ve lost your phone but have the TrackR device in hand, you can press it to have your phone ring, even if it’s set to silent. Of course the tech requires you to be within Bluetooth range, but not necessarily your own; if another TrackR user passes within range and you’ve declared your item lost in your own app, you’ll get a notification of its whereabouts. You can pair up to 10 such stickers and track just about any item of value. Normally, you’d pay $25 for one sticker, but you can get it for $20 today.

[ 20% Off On TrackR Tracking Sticker ]

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