Deal Of The Day: 51% Off On TextExpander 4, Winner Of The 2010 Macworld Editors’ Choice Award

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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If you find yourself typing the same thing over and over again, whether for work or in your day to day emails and messages, you might get a kick out of TextExpander 4. It allows you to assign shortcut keys to a piece of text of any length, “from a single line signature to paragraphs of boilerplate, just drop them into your snippet collection and have them at your fingertips – literally.” It works with signatures as well, letting you pick from an image library. It’ll fix typos and fill out forms for you, and generally try to be of assistance in the sometimes tedious task of entering repetitive information on a computer. It’s normally $35, but today you can have it for $16.99.

[ Get TextExpander 4 ]

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