Deal Of The Day: 52% Off On 6 Ft. iOS + Micro-USB Charging Cable

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


Apple’s Lightning charging cable is pretty expensive. To make things worse, it’s darn short. So it’s cool to see good alternatives, like the above 6 Ft. iOS + Micro-USB Charging Cable. Not only is it twice as long as a standard Apple cable, it gives you two options: Lightning and Micro-USB, on the same cable! That means you’re not stuck charging only iOS devices, but can lend it to an Android-powered friend in a pinch. Better yet, it’s also cheaper today, thanks to the active rebate. You’ll pay $19 for what would normally cost $40. If this doesn’t scream Stocking Stuffer, nothing does.


[ Get The 6 Ft. iOS + Micro-USB Charging Cable ]

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