
Don’t drink and drive, folks. You’ve heard that a million times, but the truth is that in many places there is a legal limit that allows you to have a drink or two, but not more, and it’s nor always easy to know whether you’re within the limit. Ideally, you shouldn’t drive at all, but if that’s not an option, something like the BACtrack S35 Breathalyzer can help out. It’s a tiny breathalyzer that connects to your smartphone and can tell you your blood alcohol concentration within seconds. It uses semiconductor technology, which isn’t as accurate as fuel cell tech, but combined with the company’s advanced tuning algorithm, can still give you results with +-0.01% accuracy. What’s more, the related application opens the door to a ton of social possibilities, which some inebriated people might appreciate. Let’s face it, how often have you posted “how plastered you were” last night? Now you can post the graphs to prove it.

Normally $70, it’s now $29.

[ Get The BACtrack S35 Breathalyzer ]