Deal Of The Day: 68% Off On IDrive, 1 TB Of Online Backup With Military-Grade Encryption

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


If you’re going through life with something like a MacBook Air, you’ll know space is at a premium. You’re likely to get into space-saving habits, like deleting videos you otherwise might’ve kept for sentimental reasons, but can’t justify in a cramped hard drive. But with iDrive’s 1TB of online storage, you don’t have to compromise. Anything you want to keep, just upload it to the cloud and keep it safe, with 256bit encryption. Add as many devices as you like and backup from any of them. Sync files and folders between them, and even access an optional private encryption key, something that’s fairly rare among these types of services. Normally you’d have to pay $60 for this, but you can have it for $19 with today’s deal.

[ Get 1TB of iDrive backup today! ]

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