Deal Of The Day: 82% Off On Xcode & Swift Developer Bundle

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


We’re seeing lots of deals on e-learning these days because you guys seem to respond well to them. It looks like a good number of you are looking to either start coding, or brush up on your skills, so you might want to take a look a the Xcode & Swift Developer Bundle up today.

As you progress through the lessons, you’ll produce 20 App Store-ready apps for iOS 7 and 20 apps for iOS 8 – all while learning app development skills as quickly as possible. It covers all the bases, from design, to coding to uploading to the App Store (for iOS 7 only). This is the all-in-one development course you need to become an app developer.

You can make an app in 1 hour and upload to the app store using iOS 7.

OR – get a head start on developing iOS 8 apps with over 25 hours of content available today.

Normally these courses would cost $499, but you can have them for $89.

[ 82% Off On Xcode & Swift Developer Bundle ]

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