Deal Of The Day: 33% Off On Axis Nano Drone

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Another day, another drone that’s both fun to fly and super affordable. The Axis Nano Drone packs more features in a $40 frame than some competitors at double that price.

The Axis Nano Drone for Beginners is specially designed for durable indoor flight, so you can master flight techniques without worrying about fatal crashes and broken propellers. Choose from low, mid or high speed modes to fully grasp all the ultra-fun functions at optimal speeds, from hovering to rotation to 4-way flips.

– 6-Axis stabilization for easy hovering
– Low-speed mode for lifting off, trim, hovering, and landing
– Mid-speed mode for rotation and directional movement
– Hi-speed mode for full-flight functionality, including 4-direction flips
– Blade-guard design allows for gentle mistakes w/o causing damage or lost flight time
– Removable landing skids keep the motors off of the surface below
– No complex assembly, ready to fly!

You’d normally have to pay $60 for this drone, but it’s 33% off as a pre-order, so you’re only being asked for $40.


[ Get The Axis Nano Drone ]

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