Deal Of The Day: 36% Off On GT-ZO1 Touchscreen Dashcam

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We’re pretty happy to finally be bringing you guys a deal on dashcams. These, as you may know, are all the rage in Russia where insurance fraud attempts are rampant, and have resulted in a wave of videos featuring anything from accidents, to meteors exploding overhead. Today we have a deal on the GT-ZO1 Touchscreen Dashcam, which seems pretty full-featured:

Accidents happen— be prepared to protect yourself from insurance fraud and legal disputes. The GT-ZO1 Dashcam will record your life on the road so you’ll always have video, images, and GPS data to back up your story.

– Record location, speed & date info into video clips using the GPS-enabled mapping system
– Create high-quality images from the video footage and snapshots
– Produce quality photos even in low-light conditions w/ wide dynamic range
– Review vehicle speed, location & route on a Google Map w/ Super Car Media Player
– Utilize multiple safety features: LDWS, FCWS, collision detection, speed limit alert, motion detection, driver fatigue alert, front vehicle start warning, ACC/DEC alert, headlight warning & more

Normally this camera sells for $260, but it’s $164.99 after today’s deal. Sure, you can get $40 dashcams on eBay, but don’t be fooled: you get what you pay for, and skimping on this type of insurance can be costly.


[ Get The GT-Z01 Touchscreen Dashcam ]

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