Deal Of The Day: 40% Off On GEKO Full-HD 1080P Dash Cam

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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The Russians have perfected the art of recording everything that happens in front of their vehicles. We can’t really blame them, given the rates of insurance fraud over there. But it happens here too, and it’s never a bad idea to protect yourself with a dascham. The GEKO Full-HD 1080P Dash Cam is as good as any, and it’s smartly priced too.

Need a second set of eyes to vouch for you in the event of a car collision? This compact Dash Cam will record full HD footage right from your dashboard, providing a convenient and objective way to clarify how any accident unfolded. Especially valuable for its G-Sensor emergency recording function, which activates upon detecting any abrupt turns, this device will provide you with peace-of-mind and added security during your highway jaunts.

– Enjoy the sleek, discreet & space-saving design
– Automatically record hands-free in a continuous loop
– Take advantage of Motion Detection Mode
– Utilize the G-Sensor’s emergency recording, which is enacted when it detects any impact, drastic braking, or sharp turns
– Use without any fuss due to its durability
– Record footage after dark using the night vision feature

Normally $100, it’s $59.99 after today’s rebate.


[ Get The GEKO Full-HD 1080p Dash Cam ]

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