Deal Of The Day: 44% Off On Large ilumi LED Smartbulb

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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If you’ve ever walked into an Apple Store, you likely saw the Hue bulbs. They’re great, but they’re also pretty expensive. Turns out they’re not the only smart bulbs on the market, and the Large ilumi LED Smartbulb seems like a great alternative.

Our favorite ilumi smartbulb is now available in a larger size, and is the perfect boost for your overhead lighting. Using the free app, you can adjust the color and brightness of your lighting or explore amazing built-in programs to experience lighting like never before. Like its smaller counterpart, the larger smartbulb has a life expectancy of 20 years and five times the energy efficiency of a regular bulb to optimize the way you light your life.

– Control your overhead, recessed, can, or track lighting
– Sync ilumi to pulse w/ the beat of your music
– Wake up naturally with a scheduled sunrise effect
– Create, save & replay your favorite lighting scenes
– Program your light to make it look like someone’s always home
– Let your light guide you, turning on & off as you move from room to room

Normally you’d have to pay $100 for one of these, but with today’s deal it’s $55!


[ Get The Large ileum LED Smartbulb ]

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