Deal Of The Day: 59% Off On Penguin Magic Starter Pack

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


You know what’s a great skill to have at parties and family gatherings? Magic skills. That’s exactly what the Penguin Magic Starter Pack teaches you how to do, and today it’s on special.

Penguin Magic lets you show off. With its long-form, in-depth hours of downloadable content you can watch and re-watch these videos until you’re pulling off tricks Houdini style. You’ll learn classic tricks like Pen through the finger, Stain Alive, Vuja De, Ghost Clip, and Drawn Again. And with this easy-to-follow practice set, you’ll have all these down pat in time to impress every party guest.

– 5 fantastic magic tricks
– Easy-to-follow 10-25 hours of instructional video content
– Tricks include: Pen Through Finger, Vuja De, Stain Alive, Ghost Clip, and Drawn Again Tricks
– Recommended by professional magicians, taught by magic professionals

Normally you’d have to pay $50 for this, but after our rebate, it’s just $19.99!


[ Get The Penguin Magic Starter Pack ]

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