Demy Digital Recipe Reader

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Demy Digital Recipe Reader (Images courtesy Key Ingredient Corp.)
By Andrew Liszewski

I’ve never been that impressed by electronic recipe gadgets since they’ve always seemed like too much of a uni-tasker (as Alton Brown puts it) to me. I mean a laptop covered in plastic wrap could easily do double-duty in the office and the kitchen, so why spend the money on a separate device? But I have to admit that if I used my kitchen for more than just destroying CDs and DVDs in the microwave, I’d love to have one of these sitting on the counter.

You can think of the Demy as a slightly bigger iPhone (minus the communication bits) that features a touchscreen display and a slick interface customized for chefs and bakers. The Demy’s most important feature of course is the recipe database, and its built-in memory is able to store up to 2,500 different recipes downloaded (via a USB hookup to your PC) from It also features a kitchen-friendly splash-resistant plastic exterior and the touchscreen display is sealed, allowing it to be easily cleaned with a damp cloth. Depending on your viewing angle, or available counter space, the Demy can be used in 2 different orientations and in addition to being able to upload your own recipes (complete with photos) it also features three built-in cooking timers, a conversion tool and a handy substitutions database. It’s currently available for pre-order from Neiman Marcus for $299, and is expected to be available sometime in late October.

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