Did The Cost Of A 3D Printer Just Drop To $300?

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By David Ponce

It was barely a couple weeks ago that we were writing about the Solidoodle, a $500 3D printer. But now we’re here to say that the price has apparently dropped to $300, thanks to a machine called Printxel 3D. It can allegedly make ABS plastic objects up to 5.5 inches on every axis, with a layer thickness (and thus, resolution) of 0.2mm to 0.4mm, with smaller layers supposedly being possible. If this machine works as advertised, it’s pretty incredible.

However, here come the caveats. First off, it’s a Kickstarter project that has only 25 machines up for pre-order. They all sold out within 11 hours. Secondly, this appears to be one guy making the kits from his home or garage or something. Which means that delivery time for the additional kits the man says he is now selling is impossible to know. You’ll get yours… some day. Thirdly, we’d hesitate somewhat before giving a random guy $300 of our money, especially since unlike the Solidoodle, which was backed by the MakerBot ex-COO, no one really knows who this man is. What’s after sales service like? What if it doesn’t work? So… buyer beware. This may very well be a $300 3D printer, but you buy at your own risk.

[ Kickstarter Page ] AND [ Additional Kits’ Page ]

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