DigiWiFi – Yet Another Pocket Sized Detector

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DigiWiFi (Images courtesy ThinkGeek & Firebox)By Andrew Liszewski

With more and more cellphones gaining WiFi connectivity the era of carrying around a device just to sniff out WiFi networks is soon coming to an end. But until that time WiFi detectors will keep being released and like any electronics they’ve improved over time. The DigiWiFi includes a backlit LCD screen that provides detailed information on available WiFi networks including signal strength, SSID, encryption status (WEP and WPA) and what channel is being used (1-14).

It also includes 3 simple buttons for starting a scan or scrolling through multiple WiFi signals if available and it supports both 802.11b and 802.11g networks. It’s also promoted as being pocket-sized which is technically correct as you can see in the photo but I think it’s still a bit large given the device’s limited functionality. At least slap a key ring or something on there.

You can find the DigiWiFi at ThinkGeek for $69.99.

[ DigiWiFi ] VIA [ Tech Digest ]

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