Dish Network Announces New Nationwide HD Channels

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By Shane McGlaun

I have been feeding on a steady stream of HD TV and movies for years now and I can’t stand to watch SD programs. It would really suck to have to go back to SD programs and thankfully, DirecTV has all the channels I like to watch in HD.

The HD lineup was the reason I chose DirecTV vs Dish Network for my new house. Dish Network is trying to improve its HD offerings though and has just introduced seven new national HD channels. I wonder if that means they got that satellite that failed to reach orbit correctly last year repaired.

The new offerings aren’t anything stellar, but at least they are in HD. Dish Network users will now be able to watch CMT, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, Spike TV, and VH1 all in HD. The only catch is that BET HD is only available for those on the Classic Silver 200 package and above.

[ Dish Network ]

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