µWatch (Images courtesy David Jones)
By Andrew Liszewski

When his Casio CFX-400 scientific calculator watch broke after 10 years of day-to-day use, David Jones went looking for a replacement. Unfortunately similar watches on the market today just didn’t cut it, mostly because they only include basic 4 function calculators. So instead of resorting to carrying a full-sized calculator wherever he went, he decided to try and make his own. After finding a 53mm x 20mm compact 2 line LCD display that seemed to fit his wrist, he spent about 30 hours building the first prototype using only off-the-shelf components. The version pictured above is actually the second prototype, and while it might look a little rough without a case, it’s actually more impressive since you realize it’s not a commercially available watch.

For those hoping to make their own calculator watch, there’s a Design & Construction section on David’s website which will hopefully one day include a thorough tutorial on how he put it together. And for the electronically inept, there’s a Get One! section, which is also unfortunately empty at the moment.

[ µWatch – World’s First D-I-Y Scientific Calculator Watch! ] VIA [ MAKE: Blog ]