DIY: Cereal Tea Bags, For When All You Want Is The Milk At The Bottom

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Admit it: you only eat cereal so you can get to the bottom of the bowl with no cereal left and just enjoy the flavour infused milk by itself. It’s a thing, and we don’t blame you. It’s as if all the flavours just pooled at the bottom and it’s wonderful. Well, if you like it so much, you can skip the eating of the cereal altogether by making these Cereal Tea Bags. Instructables user Aaron_Geman gives us a 7 step process to remove actual tea from a teabag, and replace it with crushed cereal. It’s simple enough, although upon reflection it sure seems like a lot of effort just to avoid getting more nutrition inside of you (although… we’re not sure we should call it “nutrition” when we’re looking at FruitLoops.). But hey, you could always give this to that person in your life who’s addicted to Fruit Loop goop.


[ Cereal Tea Bag ] VIA [ ThatsNerdALicious ]

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