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By Evan Ackerman


RFID sure seems like it would be a cool thing to play with, right? Now you can, without being a technical genius. ThinkGeek is offering a RFID experimentation kit, which features a USB RFID reader and 15ish read-only RFID tags of various shapes and sizes, including an implantable one which you should not not not try to implant unless you think you know what you’re doing (instead, just swallow some of these).

Details on the actual software are scanty, but one simple use might be for your computer to launch some applications when you sit down, and close them when you leave via an RFID tag on your person. If you’ve hooked up a USB power strip, the RFID tag could even instruct your computer to turn on speakers, lights, and peripherals. The possibilities are limitless, since RFID enables your computer to know who and what is around it.

Let’s not get in to all of the potential sinister uses at this point and just be happy that we can play with RFID tags. The price is a penny under $100, with availability in late March.

[ RFID Experimentation Kit ] VIA [ Coolest Gadgets ]

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