Donate To A Great Cause And Enter To Win A Lifetime Pass To WoW

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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I love playing WoW, but after a while that $15 a month adds up. And that’s on top of the money I originally spent on the game, plus the two expansions. Lets face it, MMO’s are expensive. Aside from buying your own arcade cabinet, an MMO is probably the most expensive video game you can buy. Naturally, any help you can get on those monthly fees is always appreciated. So how would you like to never have to pay for a single month of WoW again? Sure, you could just quit playing, but what’s the fun in that? No, what you need to do is win a lifetime pass from Blizzard.

In an effort to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society a Blizzard employee is offering up the chance for some free WoW time. Just head over to the donation page and give the charity at least $25 and leave a comment (“For the Horde” or “For the Alliance”). So exactly what are they giving away? Well, up for grabs are three 1-year subscription cards, and one lifetime pass. That’s right, if you win the grand prize, you’ll never have to pay for your WoW subscription again. Even if you don’t win, you’re still helping out a great cause. So far they’ve managed to raise just over $13,000, which far surpasses the $5,000 goal. You’ve got until January 5th to enter.

[ Donation Page ] VIA [ GamerFront ]

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