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Doppelganger Jacket Transforms Into a Wearable Sleeping Bag

Hazel Chua Avatar

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Doppelganger Sleeping Bag

There’s no shortage of multi-purpose and multi-functional tools and clothing in the market. The latest one is called the Doppelganger Outdoors Wearable Sleeping Bag that’s currently being sold on Japan Trend Shop. As the image above implies, the Doppelganger is a jacket, a coat, and a sleeping bag, all rolled into one nifty but silly-looking package.

Strange appearance aside, it’s perfect for when you’re planning to spend some time in the great outdoors. The purple part is the jacket, which you can wear for some extra warmth or protection from the elements. Unzip the bottom part and the gray part of the jacket provides some extra leg protection. When you’re ready to go to bed, just extend the blue part and voila!–it’s now a sleeping bag.

The Doppelganger Outdoors Wearable Sleeping Bag retails for $138.

Product Page ] VIA [ Chip Chick ]

Hazel Chua Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. Cara Lyn Farr Avatar
    Cara Lyn Farr

    Dear Hazel Chua,

    I love this invention! I go to Sabin School
    in NE Portland, Oregon. I am writing a project on Great Ideas. I would
    like to write about your Doppelganger Jacket. If you have any pictures
    or more information that I can use for my project I would be really

    Do you make them for kids? I am a size
    7. My favorite is the purple, grey, and turquoise. I checked on Japan
    Trend Shop and only the black is available.

    Thank you so much!

    Love Coral.