Dress Shirts Featured Reinforced Tails For Better Bottle Opening

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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You’re supposed to be able to open a bottle of beer by twisting the cap off, but lets face it: your baby smooth hands don’t always enjoy it. Those sharp edges dig deep and while you keep a straight face because you don’t want to be made fun of, you secretly wish you had a shirt like the above Long Sleeve Button-down from Austin, Texas-based Criquet. Why? Because the front tails feature an extra layer of fabric strategically placed to make it easier to twist off bottle caps, which the company calls “The Bendle Sleeve”. Unfortunately, the shirts from this company are also really expansive at $85. Presumably you’re getting some good quality fabric, but we’d like to suggest a better alternative for easy beer bottle opening: use your hands on something other than a keyboard now and then!


[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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