Duct Tape Wallet Kits

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Duct Tape Wallet Kit (Image courtesy MyDuctbills)
By Andrew Liszewski

I’ve come across numerous make-your-own duct tape wallet tutorials online over the years and from what I remember none of them were really that difficult to follow. However if you’re insistent on constructing your own wallet rather than buying a pre-made one and need a bit more assistance in the process than by all means please order this Duct Tape Wallet Kit from the masters at db clay.

The kit includes step-by-step instructions written by people who really know what they’re doing when it comes to duct tape wallets as well as all the materials you’ll need including three strips of colored duct tape that can be used for custom decorations.

The Duct Tape Wallet Kits are available here for only $20 with free shipping for a limited time.

[ Duct Tape Wallet Kit ] VIA [ Cool Hunting ]

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