Many people use bicycles as an exercise tool, and not only as an outdoorsy activity. But sometimes, when you’ve ventured out a little further than you normally do, it’s nice to have a little assistance on the way back. The Falco Fusion Sports Electric Wheel is an electric motor hub that can be mounted on just about any bike, turning it into an electric assist vehicle. Its rugged design means that this also includes mountain bikes, by the way. The 50V 400Wh Li-Ion battery pack is good for up to 110 miles of assistance, which is great, but not the salient feature. That would be its compatibility with heart-rate monitors, which would allow it to precisely and automatically control the amount of assistance its sending your way, based on how tired you are. If your goal is to maintain your heart going in a specific range, but suddenly a hill shows up, this electric hub would let you climb it without pushing your heart above its target.
Granted this isn’t the first electric drive hub we’ve come across, but we believe it’s the first time we see it integrated with heart-rate monitoring. It’s doing the Kickstarter dance at the moment, so we’re not sure if it’ll ever see light of day. A $495 pledge can get you on your way to owning one.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ UberGizmo ]