EF-Bike Motorcycle Simulator

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EF-Bike Motorcycle Simulator (Image courtesy Simulator Systems International)
By Andrew Liszewski

There’s no end of elaborate and expensive simulators designed to recreate the feeling of driving a car, but you don’t see nearly as many designed for motorcycles, like the EF-Bike simulator from Simulator Systems International. It uses 3 x 42-inch plasma displays in conjunction with a bike chassis mounted atop a motion platform to accurately recreate the feeling of driving in city, country or even highway conditions. The bike features real motorcycle components used for all of the controls and instruments, and even has a set of on-screen virtual rear-view mirrors.

Unfortunately though, as far as I can tell the EF-Bike Motorcycle Simulator isn’t designed for use with games like MotoGP, but features its own software complete with interactive traffic and pedestrians so beginners can safely learn the basics of handling a motorcycle with minimal road rash. But with a virtual top speed of 90 mph and an optional police or “public forces” option (which includes a siren) I think there’s still plenty of fun to be had with it.

[ EF-Bike Motorcycle Simulator ] VIA [ BallerHouse ]

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