Electrolux Soft-Refrigerator Concept Saves Space And Energy

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Electrolux Soft-Refrigerator Concept (Images courtesy designboom)
By Andrew Liszewski

My fridge is usually pretty bare, which is why I like this collapsible Soft-Refrigerator concept by Electrolux. The use of a heat-insulating membrane and modular vented shelving means the fridge can be collapsed and ‘size-optimized’ based on how much food you need to refrigerate. And besides making more room in a cramped kitchen, by collapsing the fridge you also reduce the volume of space that needs to be cooled, which in theory should reduce its energy usage. The Soft-Refrigerator even seems a clever alternative to a cooler when traveling, though I imagine the energy saving benefits are negated if you have to bring a portable generator with you to keep it running.

[ designboom – imagine the home in 2020 ] VIA [ Cribcandy ]

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