Emergency Mobile Phone Charger Doubles As LED Flashlight

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One Battery Emergency Mobile Charger Torch (Images courtesy Gadget4all.com)
By Andrew Liszewski

Sure, emergency mobile phone chargers are useful for camping and the occasional blackout, but what about those times when you’re surrounded by power outlets and there’s plenty of electricity to go around? During those times they just sit in a drawer, unused and taking up space. That’s why this emergency mobile phone charger strives to do more by also serving as an LED flashlight. It’s powered by a single AA battery making it relatively small, and it’s able to provide you with a steady beam of white LED light for hours and hours. It even comes with a handy wrist lanyard minimizing your risk of accidentally dropping it.

It’s available from Gadget4all.com for $21.50. Happy April 1.

[ One Battery Flashlight Emergency Mobile Charger ] VIA [ The Red Ferret Journal ]

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