Epoq MP4 Video Watch Poses As A Metal Dress Watch

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Epoq EMP-CVWD Video Watch (Image courtesy Wrist Dreams)By Andrew Liszewski

Portable TVs always fascinated me as a kid and as far as I was concerned having one as small as a watch was the pinnacle of that technology. Sadly it’s taken until just recently for video watches to become a reality. And by that I mean something that doesn’t look monstrous on your wrist giving away the fact that you’re watching a video when you probably shouldn’t be.

Well Epoq who already has a few MP4 video watches on the market will be releasing the EMP-CVWD model sometime in July of this year. What sets it apart from previous models is an all metal case and strap disguising it as a dress watch as opposed to something more suited for the wrist of your company’s IT guy. This way even the suits can get away with wearing a video capable watch without anyone knowing it. As cool as this sounds though looking at the product shot I can’t believe anyone would want to watch the new Transformers movie on a 1.8 inch screen. In fact I can’t believe anyone would want to watch the new Transformers movie period.

The EMP-CVWD watch will be available in 2GB and 4GB models starting at $199.

[ Epoq EMP-CVWD-2 Video Watch ] VIA [ I4U News ]

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