Eton Blackout Buddy Flashlight Runs On Nothing But Water

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Eton Blackout Buddy H2O


When it rains, it pours. And when there’s a blackout, well, that’s seemingly the only time when you seem to have misplaced all of your batteries… batteries which you could have otherwise used to power up your flashlight. The good news is that there’s an alternative torch by Eton called the Blackout Buddy H2O.

Its name gives a clue when it comes to what it needs to power up, and it ain’t batteries. Yep, you got that right: this handy flashlight needs nothing but water to run. Just put the Blackout Buddy into a cup that’s filled with water and boom, you’ve got light. It can provide up to 72 hours of illumination, which should hopefully be more than enough. The best part? It retails for only $10.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Uncrate ]

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