Etymotic Personal Noise Dosimeter

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Etymotic Personal Noise Dosimeter (Images courtesy Etymotic)
By Andrew Liszewski

Worried that your incredibly cheap new apartment that sits above a subway line and underneath another subway line might be seriously damaging your hearing? Well it might be a worthwhile investment to spend some of that money you’re saving on Etymotic’s ER-200 Personal Noise Dosimeter. It’s basically an audio screening device that tells you just how much damage you’re doing to your ears by staying in a noisy environment for prolonged periods.

It’s got two modes, a normal one which will measure and display your noise dose continuously for up to 16 hours, and a ‘Quick Check’ mode which measures the surrounding noise for two minutes and then calculates what the estimated dose would be were you to remain there for an hour. $99 available directly from Etymotic Research, Inc..

[ Etymotic Personal Noise Dosimeter ] VIA [ bookofjoe ]

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