‘Extreme’ Inline Skater Thinks This Is A Good Idea

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Dirk Auer (Images courtesy The Daily Mail)
By Andrew Liszewski

Dirk Auer, pictured above, is an extreme inline skater who already holds the world speed record for skating, achieving a top speed of 190mph while being dragged behind a Porsche GT2. So how does one top such an accomplishment? Well by designing a special pair of inline skates that allow you to ride a wooden roller coaster of course! This stunt, which took place on the Mammoth roller coaster at the Trips Drill theme park in Stuttgart, took 2 months to plan including 110 hours making the custom inline skates. But the ride itself took just over a minute with Auer reaching a top speed of 56mph after the first 30 meter drop.

And I would totally call shenanigans on these photos were it not for this news report with footage of Dirk actually racing around the coaster.

[ The Daily Mail – What a scream! Adrenaline junkie skates down 860 metre roller coaster… in just 60 seconds ] VIA [ DVICE ]

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