F-4 Phantom Ejection Seat Office Chair Is The Perfect Way To Dramatically Exit A Meeting

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F-4 Ejection Seat (Image courtesy MotoArt)
By Andrew Liszewski

This office chair made from an authentic F-4 Phantom ejection seat is a fantastic way to exit a meeting where things aren’t going the way you’d like. Instead of storming out and slamming the door, you can simply pull the ejection lever and blast your way out. Although… I guess it would work best if the meeting was being held outside, or anywhere without a ceiling. And you’d probably want to wear a parachute just in case. Not to mention there’s a good chance the rockets used to propel the ejection seat upwards have probably been removed. Hmm… Well maybe the idea isn’t as solid as I first thought, but the chair’s still really cool.

(Image courtesy MotoArt)

[ MotoArt.com – F-4 Ejection Seat ] VIA [ CrunchGear ]

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