Fable Kid-Friendly Tablet Announced

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Fable Kid-Friendly Tablet (Image courtesy Isabella)
By Andrew Liszewski

If you’ve been leery about handing over your $500+ iPad to your young’n, the Fable, from the same company responsible for the connected Vizit digital photo frame and wireless sharing service, could be just the thing you need. It’s billed as the world’s first tablet designed specifically for children, because apparently the Etch A Sketch never existed.

The Fable sports a 7-inch, hi-res LCD display and features a touch-friendly carousel navigation UI that will let kids draw, play games and share content over the company’s mobile broadband network. It will also of course serve as an eReader since Isabella has teamed up with children’s and educational content provider Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. And since it’s from the same company responsible for the Vizit, the Fable will also include a built-in camera allowing kids to shoot and contribute photos to their family’s collection.

Now besides the PR linked to below, and the mocked-up product shot you see above, there’s not a lot of info on the new tablet which is slated to arrive sometime in mid-2011. But given the Vizit frame requires a monthly/annual mobile data plan I’m going to assume the same will apply to the Fable in order to really take advantage of all its features.

[ PR – Isabella Products Announces Partnership with Publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt to launch the World’s First Children’s Tablet ]

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