That’s a blasphemy, isn’t it? To suggest that there may be a better candidate for all-around everything-fixer-upper-for-the-home than duct tape is like suggesting McGuyver wasn’t that handy a guy after all. And yet science and technology march on, and we find out about FiberFix. It’s a special kind of tape that hardens into a steel-like material, which is 100 times stronger than duct tape. Once your objects are fixed with FiberFix, they won’t break in the same spot again. The tape comes in special airtight pouches because the special resin that powers this product’s magical powers is activated with water. And while there is usually enough moisture in the air for FiberFix to work properly without any additional step, you can help it along by briefly soaking the material in water beforehand. After 5 to 10 minutes the resin hardens and you can start using your broken item, although it can take up to 24 hours to fully cure and reach maximum strength. Special care needs to be taken not to get any of the stuff on your hands or scissors, because you’ll have a hard time getting it off afterwards.
So, ok, FiberFix is not quite like duct tape because once you’ve applied it, you can’t remove it. And you need to be kind of careful when you use it. But if it needs to stay fixed, this looks like a good choice. Prices start at $6 for a 1 inch wide by 40 inches long strip.
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