2017’s hottest craze and fastest crash has been the fidget spinner. Those things were so popular at one point that districts started banning them schools, that’s an honor usually reserved for Pokémon or Tamagotchi, yea remember those? Well like any good trend, now that it’s quickly becoming uncool to walk around playing with a fidget spinner, we’re seeing more ways to spend money on the fading fad.
Let me introduce, the Fidget Spinner Cell Phone made by Chili. It’s a real functioning cell phone with a bearing in the middle that let’s you use it like any other spinner. It’s also impressively small, with a tiny screen that’s no bigger than a postage stamp. It’s a very basic phone with barely any features including no camera, but it does have room for dual sim cards, Bluetooth and a web browser for some reason.
It’s available for $20, but before you run out and buy it, because obviously who wouldn’t? It’s only available for sale in India. There are other fidget spinner phones on Amazon though, so if you’re really dying to get your hands on one, it can be found.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to look up airline tickets to New Delhi.
[ Amazon ]