Fire Footbag Sounds Totally Safe

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Luke Anderson

I’m sure that at some point in your life you’ve encountered a Hacky Sack. There were a few classes in high school where the teacher was late on a regular basis, so a bunch of us would stand in a circle and kick one around. I always thought they were fun to pass the time, however, someone has decided to turn this simple game into something more extreme.

The Fire Footbag is made from flameproof Kevlar fibers. You soak it in kersosene and set it on fire before kicking it around. Now I’m no scientist, however, there’s something that tells me that there is a good chance this thing will catch everything around you on fire. You can pick up one for $25, fire extinguisher sold separately.

[ Freedom Footbags ] VIA [ Dvice ]

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