Fisher-Price & ESPN Better Batter Baseball

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ESPN Better Batter Baseball (Image courtesy Fisher-Price)
By Andrew Liszewski

So it turns out, according to Fisher-Price’s marketing team at least, that learning to play baseball with a tee isn’t the best way since kids tend to keep their eye on the tee instead of the ball. But what’s a parent with dreams of their children eventually making the big leagues to do?! Well thankfully Fisher-Price has come to the rescue with the ESPN Better Batter Baseball setup. Instead of a tee, the ball dangles from a flexible arm making it easier for kids to keep their eyes on the prize when swinging, and loading the next ball is all done automagically when you step on a button on the plate. $50 from Fisher-Price.

For your older players, you can shop bats to find the right fit for your future pro player.

[ ESPN Better Batter Baseball ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

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