It Takes Five People Coming Together to Form Voltron, the Defender of the Universe

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Voltron Costume

All hail the mighty Voltron! I literally grew up watching reruns of the series on television when I was a kid, so he’s pretty much my favorite robot of all time. He’s got a huge following, too, so it’s uncommon to see people dress up as Voltron during cons.

Voltron is larger than life, so it makes sense that one person is not enough to portray this character. A dude who goes by the handle of Crazy Ray agrees, which is why he spent over two months painstakingly cutting, gluing, and putting together five costumes that come together to form a single giant Voltron Force figure.

Voltron Costume

Crazy Ray isn’t just crazy over Voltron. He’s also crazy generous for sharing the full instructions on creating the costumes, so you can make your own if you want to.

VIA [ Obvious Winner ]

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