By Luke Anderson
I’m nuts about cable management. I’ve spent several years as a network technician, and there’s nothing worse than trying to untangle a mess of cords. Everyone has their various methods for keeping everything nice and neat, though many people just start plugging things in and making sure that it looks good to the average passerby. Of course when it comes time to rearrange things, you’ve got a wonderful ball of cords that requires the assistance of a snake charmer to untangle. Whichever type of person you are, I’m sure that these Flexicords from E-Filliate will appeal to you.
Picture your average cable or cord, then cross that with a pipe cleaner. What you’re left with is a cable that when bent actually keeps its shape. That’s almost exactly what the Flexicords are. They come in a variety of sizes and flavors such as USB, S-Video, HDMI and more. These were just shown off at CES, so we don’t have any additional information on pricing or availability.
VIA [ GearLog ]