Flybook VM Laptop With Adjustable Height Screen

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Dialogue Flybook VM (Images courtesy Dialogue)
By Andrew Liszewski

Here’s a tip. Next time you’re in the market for a new laptop don’t buy a top-of-the-line loaded model unless you absolutely need to. Why? Well because it means in a year when something far cooler comes out you won’t feel guilty about immediately upgrading your system if you invested a lot of money in it.

Case in point, this new Flybook VM from Dialogue. It looks like your normal ultraportable laptop except for a raised ridge on the back of the screen which conceals a telescoping arm allowing you to raise and lower the height of the screen. Besides improving posture and ergonomics it’s also apparently easier to fit on your tray table while flying. Hooray! You’ll definitely see this feature being ‘adapted’ by other laptop manufacturers in the future. Besides the nifty screen the Flybook VM also comes reasonably well-equipped given it’s designed to serve as an ultraportable computer rather than a huge desktop replacement.

The Flybook VM should be available from as of December 20 (they’re currently accepting pre-orders) and will retail for $2,878.63.

[ Dialogue Flybook VM ] VIA [ Gear Diary ]

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