Food Spit Scanner Device: Because Someone Might’ve Spit In Your Food

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Food Spit Scanner Device


So your temper got the best of you and you exchanged a few choice words with your waiter for spilling that soda all over you and your date. Now your burger tastes kind of funky and it looks strangely slimy..

If you have reason to suspect that someone spit in your food, then you might want to check out the Saliva Scanner. It’s a handy device that scans your grub for traces of saliva. The device is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, although the creators have left out most details on the tech and science behind the scanner. That might explain why it only has $200 in pledges with only seven days to go in the campaign.

Nonetheless, the concept is interesting and it definitely settles one first-world problem once and for all– that is, if it ever gets made.


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