Freak Out Your Co-Workers With Organ Transplant Lunch Cooler

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Organ Transplant Lunch Bag
by David Campisi

You’ve grown up. Gone are the days of toting your lunch in something representative of your favorite TV show.  Unless you work in an extremely geek-friendly environment, that old Thundercats lunchbox is just going to get you laughed at (or your food stolen, just like it did in middle school). On the other side of the spectrum, that boring brown paper sack lets everyone around you know that you’re not worth talking to.  Instead, you need something to protect your food and dignity by broadcasting an air of sophistication and importance. ThinkGeek’s Organ Transplant Lunch Cooler does just that.

The lunch cooler so closely resembles a legitimate organ transplant cooler, it’s probably best to avoid this product if you work around hospitals to avoid any disgusting mix-ups. While the insulation in this $20 lunch box probably isn’t good enough for organs, it will certainly keep your lunch cool and make you look even cooler.

[ ThinkGeek ]

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