Fresh Air Plus Does Away With Nasty Smells After You Do a Number Two

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Fresh Air Plus

There’s nothing pleasant about poop. Not it’s smell, not it’s appearance, not it’s texture–nothing. There’s little you can do about most of these without having to change your diet, save for the smell, because you can actually minimize it (well, sort of) if you get one of these Fresh Air Plus units. It’s basically a fan that’s specially designed to fit your toilet bowl.

When you sit on it, a sensor triggers the unit’s fan to turn on, which subsequently filters out the nasty smells of poop through a hose and out of the bowl. This way, the smell won’t overwhelm your senses by the time you’re ready to flush.

The Fresh Air Plus is up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $160 will get you one of your very own.

[ Kickstarter ] VIA [ Geek ]

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