From The Road – Eating A Salmon Head

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Key Takeaways

By David Ponce

This may seem terribly off topic, but there’s a bit of a link to the OhGizmo! ethos here. Hear me out. Part of the reason I started the site was that new things have always fascinated me. Sure, most of the new things I’ve always been interested in were gadgets; innovation (in gadgets and tech) quickly became a focus for the site as a result. But this fascination with new stuff is still a part of me. And sometimes, it backfires, as can be seen above.

See, this is why, when sitting comfortably at a new sushi joint in town, I decided to order the most obscure sounding thing on the menu, something I’d never had: “Fried salmon head with some sort of spice combo I can’t remember”. Sounded nice. Sure. Except that in my head, for a moment, a salmon fish was the size of a goldfish, and the head I was expecting to get was no larger than maybe a thumb. Good one. This is what showed up a few minutes later. This.

But I ate it. Sure. I picked at it. But eventually ate it. Fun stuff.

I’d love to hear your culinary horror stories.

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