Fujitsu F801i – Another Cellphone For Kids

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Fujitsu F801i Cellphone (Images courtesy Akihabara News)
By Andrew Liszewski

DoCoMo and Fujitsu recently announced a new cellphone in Tokyo that’s specifically designed to help keep kids safe. The F801i comes in a series of bright colors and includes other kid-friendly features like access to online gaming. But parents will appreciate the phone’s built-in alarm that can be easily set off by pulling a trigger, as well as the 24/7 geo-tracking in case the child goes missing. The phone even has a watch-looking device with a proximity sensor to ensure the parents are immediately contacted if the child is ever separated from the phone.

But I have to agree with Akihabara News who seem less than thrilled with this ‘solution’ to the crime problems in Tokyo. Instead of allowing large corporations to get more kids hooked on cellphones, they feel the efforts should be concentrated on making Japan a safer place for kids in general.

[ Akihabara News – Fujitsu F801i ]

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