By Andrew Liszewski
As the story goes on The Official Google Blog, the company recently expanded into a new building in Mountain View California that’s separated from the main campus by Permanente Creek. Unfortunately the cafeteria was still located in the main building, which meant that employees wanting dinner had to make a long trek around the creek. But being the innovative thinkers that they are, a couple of Google employees decided that a zip line would be a far quicker and infinitely more entertaining way to cross the creek, and so came up with the company’s latest product, the G-Zip Line.
Long story short, after a trip to the hardware store and some trial and error, the Google employees not only had a working zip-line across the creek, but a precariously narrow bridge as well for those not brave enough to trust the erected steel cable. Unfortunately though the story doesn’t have a happy ending since the city of Mountain View asked that the both the zip line and bridge be taken down just a couple of days later. Something tells me that the city of Mountain View is about to see their website’s Google PageRank plummet.
[ The Official Google Blog – Traveling by zip-line ] VIA [ I4U News ]