GDC08: XBox Keynote Demo Vids

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


Key Takeaways

GDC 08

By Evan Ackerman

I’m not exactly a gaming fanatic, but who cares, I’ll still be at the Game Developer’s Conference here in San Francisco for the next day or so. The keynote this morning was given by John Schappert, the guy at Microsoft who oversees all platform technologies and businesses, including console software, Xbox LIVE and Games for Windows. As you might expect, the meat of the presentation was in the XBox demo vids, so check them out after the jump, including some enhancements to the Unreal Engine, a Ninja Gaiden 2 demo, a Fable 2 demo, and a trailer for Gears of War 2.

Unreal Engine Enhancements:

Ninja Gaiden 2 Demo:

Fable 2 Demo:

Gears of War 2 Trailer:

[ GDC 08 ]

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